
Samichay’s musical journey is an extremely diverse experience.

Below you will find some excerpts from the 2023 edition, but keep in mind that what you will find here does not represent the full artistic and musical diversity of Samichay, it is merely a foretaste.

Matu y la Tribu @ Samichay 2023
Mombao @ Samichay 2023
Back to Mars / Marciana @ Samichay 2023
Skizofred @ Samichay 2023
Makossa/Mondocane @ Samichay 2023
Loopus in Fabula @ Samichay 2023

Do you feel attracted from our concept of intimate gathering?

Check out our program,
bring your contribution to the festival,
or get a ticket here.

hugs from the team.

Mutex Srls